Young Boys
We get messages all the time from parents who've found out their son is watching porn. In every one, the parents express shock. They had no idea, no clue that this was going on in their house, so they just aren't prepared to deal with it. When we talk to them, though, the signs have…
The past couple of weeks, we've been talking to and praying for friends who've been dealing with a great grief. Their young son was molested while he was visiting with his beloved grandparents. It was a young adult, a trusted friend of the family, who victimized their child. The parents are heartbroken. Sadly, this is happening more…
A reader asks, "I have been struggling with something that I'm not sure how to fix it our 11 year old boy is very very stubborn. I almost feel like he does it for the attention or he just doesn't care. At the dinner table he will eat with his hands burp without saying excuse…
Kids these days are so over-programmed it's ridiculous. They go to this camp and that one, moms run them to classes and clubs. When we were kids we made our own fun and it really was fun! Here are some of the things we used to do that you can suggest to your children when…
A reader asks, "When do you step in when boys are wrestling? My 10 & 8 year old boys are constantly in some form of a challenge on the trampoline, in the yard, on the lake, in the house, etc." The way boys are always wrestling can be pretty frustrating, especially for moms. It's hard…
The other day, a college president called our boy. That boy. The one I wondered if I'd ever be able to teach him enough to fill out an application to work in fast food. It all started when he was small. I was pretty confident when we started teaching him. His older brothers all learned…
Let me be upfront. I love Star Wars. The original Star Wars was released when I was a young teen and I think I saw it 5 or 6 times the first month. It was a grand story of nobility and sacrifice, knights and princesses, tyranny and resistance, epic battles and spaceships. Spaceships! It was…
“They stole our story!” I told someone the first time I saw a trailer for Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur. The stunning shots of a human boy playing with a little dinosaur are firmly impossible in the standard evolutionary narrative—the dinosaurs supposedly died out eons before humans appeared on the scene, so theories of historical human…
A friend on Facebook said, "My 2-yr old son is driving me insane with his destructive behavior (mainly out of curiosity and inventiveness). He's very bright and physically and verbally advanced. But I'm losing my mind. Spanking doesn't seem to help since he repeats messing with everything and breaking things. ... I can not reason with…
A mom asked, "How on earth do I manage my constantly wiggling six year old? This child won't sit still! Family devotions are so stressful - and don't even mention schoolwork or church. What can I do?" I am so with you here! Our youngest, a girl(!) has been one of those churning and burning…