Young Boys

Q&A: What About A Child Who Wants To Boss His Siblings?
Often we're asked, what do you do about a child who wants to police his younger brother, boss him around, and assume authority over him?   Is it ever appropriate for an older sibling to have authority over a younger one? Well, sure -- sometimes your teenager is babysitting the little ones, or driving his…
Q&A: How Do I Get My Boys to Listen in Parking Lots?
Pamela asked on our page, "I have three spirited boys. They don't seem to hear me or take me seriously until I yell, they've been disciplined for it and everything. We're out in public a lot more now so I'm most concerned about them getting out of hand in the parking lot. How do…
Q&A: My Ten Year Old is Looking Up Sex Online! What Do I Do?
A reader writes, "I follow your page all the time. I first heard you guys speak at the homeschooling conference in North Carolina. I need HELP! I have 4 boys. I have already dealt with the introduction to porn with my first two, both were exposed to it at a Christian friend's home. We have…
Q&A: How do I stop my son from stealing?
A reader asks, "I am having a problem with my 8 year old stealing things. He takes small things from people at school as well as things from his little brothers. A few weeks ago he took one of my diamond rings to school. I need some advice on what to do to help him…
Hope For Homeschooling With A Newborn
A reader asked on our Facebook page, "I'm so frustrated. I have three boys: 5, 4, and 2 and a two week old little girl. My teacher husband just went back to work and I feel like I'm drowning. I'm exhausted and I feel like I have no control in house so I find myself…