Christian parents

It’s a Shame…
We've all seen them: the viral videos of parents smashing their kids' computers or sharing their stupid mistakes. Some of them are pretty funny and most of us have been tempted to do something outrageous some time or another, but is this really a good idea? Public shame has been a form of punishment throughout…
Oh Murder! What Parents Need to Know About Teen Brains and the New Games
The first night of Boot Camp 9-12 is always so entertaining. We start off by describing the early signs that your child is entering puberty (and no, peach fuzz and a cracking voice are actually late signs). We talk about how kids in that stage start having huge emotional swings, from rage to tears, get…
Pushing Mama Up a Mountain
I was so excited about taking our children to Yellowstone National Park. I'd been there with my family as a child and some of the happiest memories of my father, who's been in heaven many years are centered around that area. Unfortunately, I tore a ligament in my knee on one of our conference trips…
Homemaking Cottage’s Shiloah Baker Reviews our Book on Raising Boys
Writing duo and Christian parents of eight children, six of them being boys, Hal and Melanie Young know and live what they write about in the book Raising Real Men. Through their years of experience and success in bringing up these boys, ages currently ranging from 7 to adult, they have become experts in their…