
When a Child is Talking about Death
My six year old is constantly talking about death and how he'll die soon and it worries me. He doesn't seem afraid of death; he says he's going to heaven. I'm concerned, though. What do I do? I would sit down with him and try to figure out what's on his mind. You never know…
The Preacher and the Presidents
Billy Graham Mingled but Didn't Mix Politics and Religion Book Review: Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy: The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House (New York: Center Street, 2007). 413 pp.   For half a century, the evangelist from Charlotte was the defining figure in American evangelicalism. He was also the de facto…
Transitioning to Spiritual Adulthood
This one is for the teens and twenties. It's hard to write, too. When you're young and healthy, you don't really think about dying. It just seems remote. But two days ago, our sons lost a friend they'd known for years from church and Christian activities. Wilson Brant was just 26 when a car accident…
What If Dad’s Not A Christian?
A reader wrote: [In your webinar,] you discussed how Dad is the first Hero and he should point the boys to the Ultimate Hero, Christ. We have a 9-year-old son, he is our only child, and my husband is not a Christian, but is tolerant of our going to church (without him) and our son…