How would you like to earn $186,000 per second? All you have to do is sell one 30-second commercial break during the 2020 Super Bowl telecast. That's what the Fox Network is charging - $5.6 million per half-minute. Now, if you were going to spend that much money ... you'd probably want to make a…
It's that time again, our annual preview of commercials rolling out for "the Superb Owl" as someone cleverly said. You know what we mean, the football championship with the jealously trademarked name. Right, that one. Bloomberg reports that a thirty-second commercial for Sunday's game has been selling for $5.1 to $5.3 million this year. Though analysts say…
It's reported that NBC has received over $500 million in advertising revenue for this year's Super Bowl. It's such a big event, companies pull out all the stops for this one night -- and some people admit to watching the game as much for the advertisements as for the football! Our son Caleb took a…