
Q: My Son Blames Everyone But Himself …
The message started, "[I] desperately need advice ..." ... My almost six year old always blames me or someone else for his behavior. We are very big on teaching our children accountability. It can be small and big things. Yesterday, I told him he had to put on a coat to go outside. He preceded…
Spring Fever
A mom approached us at a conference, "I just can't get my son to concentrate!" she said. We asked her to explain. "Well, he does pretty well until about half-way through the morning, then he just loses focus! I tell him, 'Look, we only have three more subjects! Buckle down and concentrate and we'll be…
Four Famous Failures (That Should Change the Way We Parent)
Q. A mom came up to us at a conference where we'd been speaking about entrepreneurship, "My teenage son is constantly coming up with business ideas, but I'm afraid to let him try. What if he fails?" We are not doing our boys a service to protect them from ever failing. When we do that,…
What Age Is Best For Boys To Start Sports?
We live in North Carolina, just an hour and a half from Duke, UNC, and N.C. State. If I say "March," you say, "Madness." It's time for the NCAA basketball playoffs, so it's only seasonable to mix our metaphors and kick off our "Wondering Wednesdays" with a question we received a few days ago: Q.…
What’s Your Son Got to Say Tonight?
Recently we asked our Facebook page what people wanted us to write about. Several asked "How can mothers have a good relationship with their sons?" Our friends Marilyn and Rick Boyer helped us a lot with this topic in the articles they called Learning to Delight in Your Children. It helped us to clarify something we've…
Celebrate Presidents Day
With Men of Great Character–Free!
Here's a neat resource you can download for free and share with your sons in honor of Presidents Day -- examples from the lives of great men who have led our country! Several years before he became our 26th president, Theodore Roosevelt and his friend Henry Cabot Lodge wrote a collection of stories to teach…
Oh Murder! What Parents Need to Know About Teen Brains and the New Games
The first night of Boot Camp 9-12 is always so entertaining. We start off by describing the early signs that your child is entering puberty (and no, peach fuzz and a cracking voice are actually late signs). We talk about how kids in that stage start having huge emotional swings, from rage to tears, get…
What’s The One Most Important Thing?
We recently reached a milestone online – our Facebook page Raising Real Men has gathered 20,000 fans. In the discussion that morning, one of our readers asked, “As a single mom, can you tell me the one most important thing I can teach my son?” (more…)
Six Ways to Beat Bickering
A friend asked recently: Ok ladies, it's time for me to do some major/drastic behavior boot camp in this house. I am committing to staying home for several days, going nowhere and do nothing but set straight some major behavior issues we have here. I need some advice, though...How do I handle/tackle my 4 and…
Miley Cyrus, MTV, and Why It Matters (A Lot) to Christian Families
For a couple of days, our personal Facebook feeds have been full of outraged posts and links about Miley Cyrus's reportedly (we didn't watch it) disgusting performance on MTV's VMA Awards. It was curious that the almost universal response among our friends was either shock (What in the world has happened to our world?) or…