
A Case for Grace for Grandparents
Several times recently, friends have told us that they are just done with their parents. They've had repeated disagreements and arguments over the children and their family's lifestyle choices. They're so annoyed with the older generation, they just want to back out of the relationship. This is kind of a shock to us. We grew up…
Q&A: My 11yo Has Horrible Manners!
A reader asks, "I have been struggling with something that I'm not sure how to fix it our 11 year old boy is very very stubborn. I almost feel like he does it for the attention or he just doesn't care. At the dinner table he will eat with his hands burp without saying excuse…
Announcing our Big Thanksgiving Sale!!!
“Should we have a Black Friday or Internet Monday sale?” one of us asked. “Of course! Raising Real Men would make a great Christmas gift – encouragement you can wrap up as a gift – but let’s call it a Thanksgiving sale. We are so thankful for God’s gifts, this is a way we can…