
Reading Biographies for Fun, Too
Continuing a discussion from our podcast and YouTube channel, a listener asked us to elaborate on some of the historical books that Hal enjoys reading. An earlier post linked to a number of historical books, but this segment Hal's talking about biographies - a branch of history that he also follows. (These are affiliate links…
Quarantine Reading: Some of Our Favorite Books and Authors
Someone has pointed out that in this strange time, some people have time on their hands, while others are working harder than ever! But even if you're one of the busy ones, you may be feeling a need for some diversion when it's time to unwind. Recently on our podcast, we shared some of our…
Interesting Books 2019
This post may contain affiliate links. When you use them to purchase, we receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. I’m a pretty avid reader. It’s part of my daily routine, and longer periods on vacation. Several years ago I started keeping a list of books I’d finished during the year; to…
The Well-Read List
One of our sons has severe dyslexia and didn't read well until he was eleven. Once he got to high school, he realized he'd missed reading a lot of the books his brothers had read. He asked his adult brothers to make a list of the books they thought someone ought to read to be truly…
Books We Read To Pieces
    We're a family of readers. One of our boys' first word was "book." I remember watching our first son when he was 18 months old. He was obviously play-acting something: standing beside a box and carrying on a babbling conversation, then turning away briefly, then coming back. Storekeeper? No, we realized; he was playing…