
Finding a Mate: What Questions Should I Ask the Guy Interested in My Girl?
"All right, ladies, give me all your hard questions! A young man is interested in our daughter and my husband is going to meet with him. I want your list of questions you plan to ask someone in this situation! My husband's going to really let him have it!" - a mom in one of…
Finding a Mate: It’s Just Coffee
"Hey, I've got some unexpected time free. Want to meet for coffee?" an adult young man texts an adult female friend. "I'm not comfortable meeting guys like that. You need to talk to my father," is the reply. These two are on a different wavelength. Let's peek into their heads for a moment. (No, we…
Urgent Prayer Request for Hal
Dearest Friends, I didn't think I could bear anything else right now, but my loving Father had a different plan and though I can not understand it, I accept it from His hand and trust Him to bring us through it. I told some of you earlier this week about Hal's pneumonia and Katie and…
Sharon White of Legacy of Home says Raising Real Men, “packed with brilliant insights.”
How do you raise boys? This question often comes up in homeschooling circles. We have plenty of resources to raise our daughters – home economic kits, great fiction, aprons, and homemaking magazines. However, there are few serious tools to help parents in the herculean task of training sons. Until now…………… Hal and Melanie Young have…