The Joy of Big Boys
Posted by Melanie in Family Life, Raising Boys, Uncategorized
Training the next brother to work the booth.

Training the next brother to work the booth.

We’re getting ready to fly out to California for the CHEA Bay Area Homeschool Convention this weekend. I’m still part time on crutches, but as I was thinking through the trip, I realized I’m not worried. See, we’re taking two of our teens with us and I know they’ll take great care of me. It’s hard to imagine when you’re changing diapers or hauling them out of the toilet and washing them up. It’s even harder to imagine when they’re eleven or twelve and they can’t get their school work done unless you’re constantly on their case. It’s hard to imagine, alright, but the day will come when you depend on them – and it’s a lot closer than you think!

I realized how much I’ve come to depend on our teens when we began talking about the possibility of them working away for the summer. Uh oh! How could we manage without them? How would we handle all the equipment when we camped? It would take so much longer to set up, and then pack out in the morning! Who’s going to run errands – or babysit? And conferences? I don’t even want to think about doing that without those guys!

It’s time, though, for the next two to step up to the plate. It’s time for them to learn the diligence and responsibility that have made their big brothers such a blessing to us. I’m not looking forward to the work that will take, but I’ve seen the blessings and it’s so worth it! Raise your boys to work hard, to contribute to the family – and don’t despair when it seems an impossible dream! They’ll grow up before you know it!

Hal & Melanie

Hal and Melanie SugarLoaf Web (c)2009