Lea Ann Garfias is Surprised by Raising Real Men
Posted by Melanie in Book and Product Reviews

Over at Whatever State I Am, Lea Ann Garfias writes,

As a mother of three real boys for over 12 years now who has read her share of books on rearing the male species, I did not expect to be surprised by the Young’s take on child rearing.  But I was.  From the moment my husband began reading aloud the introduction to me on the sofa, we knew this book was unique. Every night we didn’t fall into bed exhausted from the challenges of constructively corralling our boys’ energy for good use, we reached for this book to read and discuss yet another important point in raising them to be “real men.” Raising Real Men: Surviving, Teaching, and Appreciating Boys has challenged us to change some of our daily practices and encouraged us to instill new traditions.

Read the whole thing here.