Kathy Davis of Homeschoolbuzz Calls RRM “A Must Read”
Posted by Hal in Praise for RRM

As a mom to three active boys, I’m always eager to read what others have to say about raising boys to be men.  What better people to take advice from than Hal and Melanie Young, parents to 6 boys (and 2 girls).  In their book, Raising Real Men, they discuss the intricacies of bringing up boys within a biblical worldview.  They address numerous issues, such as boys needing heroes to look up to, leadership, competitiveness, stewardship, manners, and much more. Here’s an excerpt from the book where they talk about boys needing adventure.

An adventure is really anything that involves risk.  A careless risk undertaken thoughtlessly or in pursuit of a thrill is recklessness, but a hazard confronted for the glory of God is a different matter altogether.  This desire in our sons can be met by teaching them to face their fears head on-by public speaking or by taking on the responsibility of an adult or by learning to swim.  It can be fed rappelling down a cliff or walking ten miles or interacting in a foreign language.  It certainly includes sharing the gospel – nearly always an adventure.  Teach your sons to take good risks, reasonable, godly risks.  Teach them to love godly adventure and stand back and see what God has in mind for them!

If you have boys, and you want to raise them to be Godly, real men, this is a must read. Your guys are only young for a short time, so why not equip yourself with the knowledge the Youngs share.  They know what it’s like to walk in your shoes in the wonderful world of boys.

Kathy Davis