HSLDA’s President Michael Smith Says, “Every Family Should Have” Raising Real Men
Posted by Melanie in Praise for RRM

“Raising boys can be a tremendous challenge for parents, especially when you have more than an few. We know that God designed them much differently than girls because of the role that He has chosen for them in life. Hal and Melanie in RAISING REAL MEN, have approached this subject from a Biblical perspective and have been true to the Biblical principles laid down for raising boys. However, once the principle has been laid out, then they bring a unique practical aspect to raising boys where the rubber meets the road. This is a book that will give parents a clear road map to follow for having the greatest possibility of success as parents prepare boys for their God-given role in adulthood. This is a book that every family should have no matter the number of boys and even those families without boys as the book gives tremendous insight into understanding how boys think and why they act as they do. This book meets a crying need in an area where there is very little specific direction. Thank you Hal and Melanie for this outstanding work of the Lord.

J. Michael Smith, Esq.
President, Home School Legal Defense Association