
Christmas Savings Continue!
We love Christmas so much! The sights, the smells, the flavors all remind us of the joy of the Incarnation - when God became flesh and lived among us so that He could become the sacrifice for our sins. We love giving gifts because we've been given the greatest gift of all - salvation! We…
The Worst Christmas Ever, Part 5
Christmas is a big deal at our house. We grew up in Christian homes, where Christmas was celebrated in a family-oriented, Christ-honoring way. We love the holidays. I try to shop all year, watching out for deals on the things I knew our children would love. Even the times I was on pregnancy bedrest, I…
Catan Game Opens the Old West
Our family enjoys board games from time to time, especially old standards like Monopoly, Clue, and Scrabble. We also enjoy history, geography and trains. Our friends at Timberdoodle sent us a board game that combines them all, and we've added a new game to our list of favorites! Settlers of America: Trails to Rails is…