Got Bored Kids? Supercharge Their Summer!
When we were children, summers were full of long and lazy days when we had to entertain ourselves. These days most children are so over-programmed it’s ridiculous. They go to this camp and that one, moms run them to classes and clubs. But, kids aren’t any happier than we were and often they have less imagination, creativity, and initiative. It takes time develop those things! You have to have time to be bored.
When we were kids we made our own fun and it really was fun! Here are some of the things we used to do that you can suggest to your children when they say, “I’m bored!” Perhaps you could challenge them to choose one thing to do each day or challenge them to do two things from each page this summer.
We hope you’ll have a wonderfully creative, productive, and memorable summer! Join our email community below for some help to make it so…
Your friends,
Hal & Melanie