Welcome, Fellow Samaritan Ministries Members!
Hi, we’re Hal and Melanie Young and we are so honored to be featured in the Member Spotlight this month! If you’d like to get to know our ministry a little better, we have a couple of gifts we’d like to share. Let us tell you about them…
You heard about how our ministry started with us speaking about raising boys. We’re still doing that workshop that inspired our book!
In spite of what the culture is telling us, boys and girls are different. Have you ever had a war break out in the middle of a playdate or had a single math lesson take three hours? Then, you’re probably raising boys! If the world seems intent on gender-bending and forcing our sons into a feminized mold, Hal and Melanie, parents of six boys, explain the Biblical way out – and a better way to turn wild little dirt-lovers into strong Christian men!
We’d like to give you a free download of that influential workshop!
We’ve got it available for you as an audio download!
For the whole family, we’ve put together a free download of the first of our Hero Tales audiobooks!
Did you know Theodore Roosevelt wrote a book for children? He did!
He and his friend, Henry Cabot Lodge, wrote Hero Tales from American History to teach character to kids through the stories of America’s heroes. We turned it into an audiobook with sound effects because history is so much better with cannonfire!
Part One is about an hour long and each story is about 8 to 11 minutes long and stands alone. We think your family will love it!
We would love to be able to send you occasional emails with encouraging articles and useful resources for making Biblical family life practical. If you’ll sign up for our newsletter below, we’ll send you the link to download the Ballistic Parenting workshop and Hero Tales 1 immediately.*
We look forward to getting to know you!
Your friends and fellow members,
Hal & Melanie
*If you really don’t want to get our newsletter, you can email us at info(at)raisingrealmen(dot)com for the download link. We hope you’ll reconsider, though. We won’t share your information with anyone outside our ministry and you can unsubscribe at any time. Besides, we think it’ll be a blessing to you!