A Program for Parents of Preteen Boys
To Make the Teen Years Great!

Do you have a son who is 9- to 12 years old?
When our boys hit that age, they seem to fall apart.
Formerly obedient sons suddenly get moody … schoolwork takes forever … concentration goes out the window … and he’s ready to fight the world one moment, and running for Mama the next!
One of our teens observed, “It seems like when a guy gets this age, his head gets harder and his brain gets softer.” His younger brothers didn’t appreciate the comment, but some days it seems pretty accurate!
Are you starting to see these changes? Are you wondering what’s happening to your son and how you’ll ever make it through it?
You’re not alone!
Join us for five lively, funny, powerful and practical sessions that will take the fear out of the coming years and give you the tools to navigate these dangerous waters safely!