Thank You for Subscribing! Here are the forms…

leave-364178_640These are super-simple and basic forms I put together years ago to plan our homeschooling. There are lots of prettier alternatives, but these get the job done and they are free! If you’d like to share them with your friends, please direct them to our newsletter sign up page here, since these are a subscriber exclusive.

Download The Year Plan Quarterly Form

This is the one you need for your beginning of the year planning to help you figure out how much to do each week.

Download The Weekly Planner Form, Organized by Subject, in a Vertical Format

Download The Weekly Planner Form, Organized by Student, in a Horizontal Format

Choose one of these to fill out the week before and plan what to do each day.

These are super-simple and not at all decorated. These are my go-to, no-frills planning forms. If you are looking for something with more beauty, check out the great planners published by our friends at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine (Free to members of!) and Apologia.

May you have a happy, productive homeschool year!

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