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We hope you enjoy our newsletter, Raising Real Men News & Update! 

And as our special thank you for joining us, we’re offering a special deal on Boot Camp 9-12 – our five week series to encourage, empower, and equip parents of pre-teen sons!

You’ll be joining over six hundred families in more than seven countries who are part of our “Boot Camp Alumni” community – parents who found new insights into the strange and wonderful ways of their rapidly changing boys, and new ways to head off problem behaviors, improve schoolwork, preserve their love of learning, and prepare them for high school and beyond!

If you want more details, you can read more here … but come back to this page to sign up with your special rate!

Next Live Series Starts January 5, 2016 – You’ll be able to chat with us and ask your specific questions!

If you need help now, select RECORDED VERSION and you’ll get access to a previous session’s recordings — and we’ll invite you to the live class later as “Alumni”!